Upper Lynn Hot Lunch Program
The Upper Lynn PAC runs a Hot Lunch Fundraiser. This optional program gives the kids fun lunch opportunities, and gives you a break from packing lunches at least once a week. We use a variety of external suppliers, as well as Hot Dog Day, which is run entirely by Upper Lynn parent volunteers. We have 3 sessions each year, and each session has its own ordering window.
We know that parents and our parent volunteers are all very busy, so we ask that you please respect the ordering and payment deadlines. Our deadlines are chosen carefully to allow us to run our program in an efficient manner. There will be absolutely NO exceptions to the ordering and payment deadlines. Hot Lunch Pro Tips
to order! If you need to view your order:
Volunteer for Hot Lunch
We are always in need of volunteers. If you are available from 11:15am to 12:45pm on any lunch day, please consider volunteering. You can volunteer to help with hot lunch via your Munch-a-Lunch account. After ordering, just check the dates you may be available. Alternatively, you may click on "Volunteer" from the main menu in Munch-a-Lunch. The Volunteer Coordinator will create the volunteer schedule shortly after the session ordering window has closed and will contact you directly. There is always room for flexibility! Please contact us at [email protected] if something comes up. No worries!
Our thanks to the Upper Lynn parent community for supporting this important fundraiser, and to the wonderful volunteers who help make this program a success!
Did you know that the Hot Lunch program is
our school's biggest fundraiser? Please consider helping out!
our school's biggest fundraiser? Please consider helping out!